Tree Doctors Use Safest Possible Methods to Save Plants
Tree Doctors Use the Least Harmful Methods to Save Plants
We prescribe specific treatments for plants suffering from various problems. Arborists often have to deal with extreme cases in which tree owners neglect a serious issue for a long time. The decision to contact a professional is made only after the problem has greatly escalated. Oftentimes experienced and skilled Arborists still manage to treat such plants and save them from certain death. You have to remember there is an easy way to avoid this hassle and the costs associated with it. Just call for an expert help when the first symptoms show, not when they get severe. Don’t procrastinate; don’t hope it goes away. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Toronto Arborists are sometimes criticized for overusing pesticides. That's why in the last few decades, we have participated in switching to several safer substitutes to pesticides. In some treatment plans, chemicals are completely avoided, which results in 100% sustainable tree care. Also, there are several next-generation compounds that are extremely safe for people even if they have direct contact with the chemicals. We are following these changes closely and are introducing new methods into our recommendations once they are proven to work on the same level as other offerings. We only use and recommend things we would use on our own trees.
Unfortunately, not a single Arborist can avoid toxic chemicals completely. Some pests require radical action and can only be eradicated using potent compounds. Some trees with high degrees of contamination should also be treated with toxic pesticides, as safer alternatives act much more slowly, which can result in the death of the tree. As such, one of our Arborists will be able to recommend the best solution for your specific situation.
Why Do Trees Get Sick and What Can Arborists Do to Help Them?
Trees are living beings that are very significant for the urban population, and it's not just because of their visual attractiveness. Although trees and other greenery reduce stress felt by the people surrounding them, they have direct physical benefits to humans. Thanks to processes such as photosynthesis, humans get fresh air to breathe in the city environments that are polluted with transport smog and toxic gases.
It's not easy to be a tree in the city. Any Arborist will tell you the same city toxins that hurt us have adverse effects on the trees, too. Considering some of the common stressors helps us understand why city flora is usually weaker than its counterparts growing in the forests:
- Compressed soils
- Shortage of micronutrients
- Limited water supply
- Exposure to city noises
- Construction site tremors
Consequently, weak trees find it more difficult to resist pests and weeds. Therefore, it is hard for them to thrive in the city surroundings. They are prone to many diseases they wouldn’t be affected by in the country, and it is the task of skilled Arborists to help them overcome any obstacles, get healthier, stronger, and live longer lives.
Remember: a certified Arborist can do wonders. If you want your trees to be consistently healthy and strong, you should definitely consider contracting a professional.
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tree doctors